The past few days have just been shitty. It started on Wednesday night when I smacked the side of my head on a wall shelf hard enough to knock me on the ground. Then, yesterday, I cut my palm pretty deeply with a steak knife trying to pry frozen pancakes apart. I know that wasn't the smartest thing to do in the world but I was distracted by two kids yelling two different demands at me and I hadn't had any coffee yet. I ended up going to the doctor's office yesterday to get a tetanus shot, bandaged up and antibiotics. Despite her bandaging my wound keeps reopening and bleeding. Joy. Then, today things were going all right. I did some cleaning and a whole bunch of laundry and managed to keep a positive attitude despite the pain radiating off of my palm. Yay me. I finally got some coffee into a cup this afternoon and I hear that sound I hate - the dog's body thumping on the floor. Yup, she's having a seizure. My son is oblivious to it (thank God) because he's so involved with Go Diego Go. This was a bad seizure for Molly. It lasted over a couple of minutes and then she just laid there not responding or moving. She blinked and panted but that was about it. She stayed like that for several minutes. I called my husband and he said just get her onto some hardwood so she's off the carpet. I'd already taken care of that. The next step was to get her outside in case she has to pee/poop. Got her outside in the rain and she's miserable. She's winding herself around my legs and whimpering. I had a lot of pity for her but I was afraid she'd knock me on my ass so I backed away but made sure she could still hear my voice. I'm not sure if she lost her sight like she usually does. She decides she wants to go back inside and I'm more than happy to accomodate her. I get inside, look at my hand, which is throbbing, and notice to my horror that my bandage is now dirty and damp from all this. I'm not supposed to get it wet until tomorrow and I'm relatively sure that dirt and grime are a no no as well. On top of all this my son is freaking because Diego was over and he was ready for a new one. This day better improve or I'm going to snap. I did briefly consider adding Bailey's or Kahlua to my coffee but figured that wouldn't really help anything. Would it?
Oh, I forgot to mention my phone call with my Mom this a.m. That's always good fodder for a post. We're driving up to Pennsylvania on Sunday to celebrate my Nana's 95th birthday with my mom, aunt, uncle and cousins and Nana, of course. My Mom sounded kind of funny on the phone like something was bothering her but I chose to ignore it with everything else filling up my mind. Finally, I hear her say "I know my saying this might bother you..." Oh goody, this should be fun. "But I'd appreciate it if you could refer to your aunt as Aunt Rose Ann rather than just Rose Ann." Um, ok. In my defense I only started calling her Rose Ann because she teased me several times for still calling her and her husband my Aunt Rose Ann and Uncle Jim. Whatever. Finally, my Mom got to what was really bothering her. Apparently, she thinks that because I dropped the "aunt" title when talking to my aunt, my cousin Jennifer has started calling my mom Joyce instead of Aunt Joyce. This really bothers my Mom. Anyway, I was so irritated by her approach to all this I didn't bother mentioning my knife trick to her. I figure that would just send her into a tizzy. We can hold off on tizzies until Sunday. Lord knows, there will be enough of them given the way my relatives are.