I've been very busy lately in the health department lately. I've been trying to get therapy, I had an appointment with the neurologist last week and today I saw my endocrinologist and I'll be having two MRIs done tonight. Phew. I'm getting very tired of all this but maybe I'll get some answers. I did convince the endocrinologist to increase my Cytomel dosage (synthetic T3 hormone) as I'd had luck with the higher dose in the past. He wants to have my thyroid levels checked in eight weeks along with testing my vitamin D levels and my adrenal glands. I also convinced him that I should have an ultrasound done of my thyroid since I used to have that done in Northern Jersey but haven't since I moved here. He argued that it wasn't necessary since I didn't have nodules.... Um, correction buddy. The ultrasounds I had done up north did indicate there were nodules there but they were cold. I think it's important to have this done because I remember reading an article about CFS and thyroid issues that found thyroid malignancy in ME/CFS patients greatly exceeds the normal incidence of thyroid malignancy in any known subgroup. Check out a summary of the article at http://www.immunesupport.com/library/showarticle.cfm/id/8895
Anyway, the MRIs I'm having done tonight are for my brain and lower spine. Next week I'll meet with the neurologist again to go over those results and to have an EEG done. According to webmd.com an EEG is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen or on paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures, can be seen by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain's electrical activity.
I don't want them to find anything scary but I'm really hoping we can find some answers here. I'm tired of the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome and the idea that it can't be cured. I don't want to just treat symptoms because that gets you on the path of taking medicines with icky side effects that sometimes are worse than the symptoms they're supposed to cure.
A bit of good news. My daughter had her 18 month appointment and she was in the 90th percentile for both height (33 inches) and weight (27 pounds, 13 ounces). My girl is HEALTHY!
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