Yep, today was the first day of soccer for my son (and me as a soccer mom). Well, check off one more thing on my list of things I never thought I'd be. I guess there are worse things to add to my life experiences and it did have its privileges. Such as sitting on the grass on a lovely fall morning and not stressing about anything. In addition, one of the coaches is totally hot (check him out in the picture). Oh, and he has a gorgeous Latin accent. Swoon. Six more weeks of looking at Mr. Cutie! Perhaps my husband has been gone too long. Anyway, I don't think I'll be missing any sessions but I'll have to be sure to keep tongue and drool in check when my hubby is with us.
Oh, and my son had a blast today. He paid attention for about the first twenty minutes and then seemed to drift off onto his own agenda. Big lessons we have to work on this week (my agenda not the coaches') is to teach my son how to play duck duck goose. He didn't understand that he wasn't supposed to get up and run around the circle with the tagger and the goose. Very amusing. Unfortunately, I'm afraid this is yet another case where people will think my son is a tad dim. He's 3 1/2 but he looks much older due to his size.
I did get a kick out of one thing when I was able to tear my eyes away from Mr. Hottie. I noticed that a lot of the kids had cleats and shin guards on. Note that this class is for kids in the three-six year range. I don't think they're going to teach them any rough and tumble moves that would require this kind of equipment. You did note how they were playing duck, duck goose? Also, given how fast kids grow at this age, who wants to put that kind of money into equipment? Maybe if we discover that our son is totally in love with playing soccer and that this isn't just a passing whim of his we might invest in some used equipment. But I'm guessing these folks didn't have anything but the newest and greatest on their kids. I really am the poor kid on the block in my town.
Also, I'd like to take this time to note that I'm only going to post photos of my kids here if their faces aren't showing. I've grown too paranoid about nasty folks on the Internet to risk having my kids exploited. I know my friends and loyal followers will understand. Trust me, I love to show off my cuties but I don't want to take the risk.
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