Two weeks ago I hit what I would call desperate straits. I've had fibromyalgia for eight years now but two weeks ago I reached the point where I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I could barely manage to brush my hair because it hurt so much. Getting the kids dressed was a horrible form of torture. My posture was bad because I was hunched over from all the pain. I had been considering going back to a chiropractor who had promised me in the past he could fix my pain but I wasn't sure if I was ready. He insisted on strict adherence to the paleo diet (no sugar, grains, dairy, processed or fried foods, legumes, soy or potatoes) and it was too hard for me in the past, although I did give it my best shot last year before sliding back into my old ways by the end of the year.
However, I reached the point where I figured I had nothing to lose and drove over to the chiropractor's office. He performed some adjustments and handed me a sheet that completely changed my way of eating. Only 3 oz. protein first thing in the a.m. (I choose to eat nitrate-free turkey bacon). An hour later I was to eat an orange and a banana. Three hours after my first protein I had to have 3-5 more oz. of protein. An hour after that some fruit. At lunch I could have vegetables with my 3-5 oz. of protein (I choose to have a big leafy green salad with carrots, cucumbers and avocados). No more fruit after 2 p.m. Mid-afternoon, supper and right before bedtime I was to have another meal of 3-5 oz. of protein with some vegetables. I drink 64 oz. or more of fluids a day.Oh, and I can have one cup of organic coffee as long as it's before 10 a.m. Crazy, but being allowed that one cup seems to make this whole things seem much more feasible!
Over the past two weeks, to my surprise, I have seen an almost complete elimination of my fibromyalgia pain. The chiropractor claims that much of my fibromyalgia pain is due to inflammation in the body. That inflammation is brought on by eating the grains, sugar, processed foods, etc. and is healed by following his diet plan. I was skeptical, especially with some of his hocus pocus, but I can't explain how else my pain would be so dramatically affected. It's nice to see that I've lost the five pounds I gained between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, I'm slowly but surely seeing an increase in energy. I'm no longer crashing when I try to do things like take the kids to the zoo for a couple of hours, or doing some shopping. I'm not 100% but the chiropractor is confident that my fatigue won't be affecting me in 2 months. Hearing this is hard to swallow. My fatigue has kept me disabled, unable to work for over nine years. I can't even imagine what it will feel like to wake up feeling refreshed and rested in the morning. However, I finally have some hope that I might.
Unlike my medical doctors he isn't throwing pills and tons of supplements at me. I take two supplements - one with B vitamins and iron and another to repair my digestion - supposedly I wasn't digesting food properly and getting the nutrients I need.That's all and it doesn't cost much compared to all the supplements other doctors had me buying.
Anyway, I'm feeling some optimism for the first time in years. Finally, someone is offering me something constructive I can do to improve my health. I'm not treating just the symptoms, I'm healing my body and hopefully overcoming my illnesses.
This isn't easy. I do miss things like chocolate cake and big bowls of macaroni and cheese. However, I can't imagine anything more valuable than having my health back. Therefore, I am more than willing to make the sacrifice.
I will try to post an update in a couple of months to let you know if I've seen any further improvement.
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