I've been longing for a new kitchen clock ever since we bought this house almost seven years ago. I know, seven years is plenty of time to pick out a kitchen clock. However, it was never a priority. Once the kids came along decorating really took a back shelf to toys and diapers. The last couple of months I've been staring at the clock on the wall in the kitchen and hating it's existence. It was left behind by the previous owners for a good reason. It was a beige, cheap, plastic thing that would've fit into any utilitarian office environment. Given that I spend a good part of my day in the kitchen cooking and serving food, it really was bringing me down to have this ugly thing hanging over me.
I started browsing around the internet and finally found what I was looking for on www.etsy.com. If you're not familiar with this site you have to check it out! It's like going to a craft festival that's available 24/7. It's all handmade and vintage items and the prices are fairly reasonable depending on how "fine" the art is.
Here is the little piece of happiness that I found for $30:
How can I not smile when I look at this? The good part is the colors are perfect in my kitchen since, other than the boring white walls and cabinets I'm going with a blue and yellow color scheme. Now, I know that this isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea but, darn it, the clock makes me happy and that's all that matters. And that stupid beige clock is happily settled at the bottom of my garbage can.